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Grey Limbo

Community Involvement 

As a family owned business we like to stay connected with our community.

We find it is important to connect to other businesses and people locally. â€‹


We part take in local events that help our communities in many ways. 

Looking to have an event or team sponsored by us? 

Give us a call, we would love to hear all about it!

Mid Valley Career Day

We had the privilege of attending Mid Valley Elementary's Career Day!

     We kicked off the morning with reading to our son's 1st grade class and followed it up by presenting to 5 classrooms.

We taught the little ones all about entrepreneurship, what it means to us and how we have been working hard to run 2 businesses.

They were such great listeners and we are so grateful to have had the opportunity to teach them some valuable life lessons.


These kids are our future and we will one day be depending on them to run this world. Small events like career days can turn into a pivotal moment for some of these kids. Some may now hope to be a police officer, a business owner, join the army... all of which they may not have even thought of until that day, where someone came to explain to them exactly what they do.

We even had a young man run up to us after our presentation and say he wants to be a magician one day. And buddy, if that's truly your dream, go for it! Who knows, he could be the next Houdini!


We ended it with a gift, a notebook to be used as their vision book. To write all of their goals, visions, and dreams in. To help them see it in writing and one by one achieve their goals.

As we said to them, and we will say to you, in life the road can get bumpy. It may seem like your on a rollarcoaster with no way off.

Just know, that these life lessons are there for you to learn from.

And as the great Jim Rohn said, " Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better."

Biddy Basketball Sponorship

handyman5000 basketball team

21 Adirondack chairs were designed by local artists and put up for auction.

All the money raised from the auction will benefit the Freedom Fighter Veterans Memorial Park in Olyphant.

HONOR Veterans Recognition Luncheon

Read about it here!

The Greater Pittston Santa Squad Helps to ensure every child in the Greater Pittston Area has toys under the tree on Christmas Morning with the support of friends, football and the generosity of local businesses/residents

Reading to the class<3